Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Still Cleaning up the Frames

This part of the frame build is more daunting than we thought.  You can always find another blemish.  Plus you have the fact that we are not the best brazers thus leaving huge globs of silver and brass to knock down. 

However over the past few weeks we are starting to develope some good techniques.  First off getting an entire file kit is a good idea.  That way you have everything from big files to little files and assorted coursenesses. 

The little files also come in handy for those little hard to reach spots that your fingers can't get to.  Wrapping the file in whatever grit sandpaper or emory cloth proves most useful in reaching those tight spots. 

Patience is important.  Find a spot and don't loose focus on it until you are done with it.  It's hard to do when you feel like you are making no progress on that spot.  As you can see below eventually it starts to change slowly but surely.

Also don't loose your cool and take some kind of power tool like a dermel or drill to the spot.  You can use a dermel but be careful not to go down into the metal too far.  You will create ruts that take forever to fix.

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